How to Increase Your Commercial Property’s Value Without Spending a Cent

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In the dynamic world of commercial property leasing, landlords hold the keys to unlocking significant value from their assets. Your choices during the leasing process can profoundly impact your returns on investment. In this white paper, we leverage our extensive experience to provide invaluable insights and best practices to assist landlords and investors in optimising their commercial property management strategies.


  1. Length of Lease: Maximising ROI
  2. PGs/Bank Guarantees: Safeguarding Your Interests
  3. Dealing with Overdue Rent: Maximising Revenue
  4. Lease Types: Choosing the Right Structure
  5. Opex: Managing Operating Expenses
  6. Make Good Clauses: Protecting Your Asset
  7. Rent Review Mechanisms: Maximising Rental Income
  8. Timing of Market Rent Reviews: Strategic Separation
  9. Right to Enter Property for Viewings: Balancing Interests
  10. Rent-Free Period vs. Tenant Fit-Out Contribution: Optimising Tenant Incentives
  11. Fit-Out Rental: Why Landlords Tend to Be Cautious
  12. The Difference Between a “Good” Property Manager and a “Great” One.
  13. Additional Resources


  1. Length of Lease: Maximising ROI

The lease duration is a crucial factor in determining your return on investment. While lease terms can vary, there are clear benefits to longer leases:

  • Enhanced Stability: Longer leases provide stable, predictable rental income, reducing the risk of income gaps.
  • Increased Property Value: Properties with longer-term leases are often more attractive to potential buyers and investors.
  • Negotiating Longer Terms: Encourage longer lease agreements by showcasing the property’s appeal, location, and the benefits of a stable, long-term partnership.


  1. PGs/Bank Guarantees: Safeguarding Your Interests

Personal Guarantees (PGs) and Bank Guarantees (BG) offer valuable protection for landlords and investors. It’s essential to handle them prudently:

  • Reserve for Exceptional Cases: Leverage PGs and Bank Guarantees only in exceptional cases, as invoking them may lead to complex legal processes and strained tenant relationships.
  • We prefer a BG because they are simple to draw down on. A PG is harder to enforce.


  1. Dealing with Overdue Rent: Maximising Revenue

Effective rent collection is pivotal to maximising returns:

  • Prompt Communication: Engage with tenants in a timely manner regarding overdue rent. A transparent and respectful approach can often yield better results.
  • Legal Recourse: If necessary, pursue legal avenues to recover overdue rent and protect your investment. If rent is unpaid under commercial lease, you are generally entitled to issue a Property Law Act (PLA) notice. IF this demand is not met then you are entitled to take over the premises – i.e., change the locks. The downside is that once you issue this notice then it has effectively ‘gone legal’ which maybe exactly what the tenant wants – i.e., it is in the hands of the lawyers and the normal debt chasing phone calls become irrelevant.


  1. Lease Types: Choosing the Right Structure

Understanding different lease structures can help you make informed decisions:

  • Gross Lease:In a gross lease, you cover operating expenses. This can simplify cash flow management for both you and the tenant. The downside is that you pick up the bill if Opex is greater than what you built into the lease.
  • Net Lease:Shift certain operating expenses (e.g., rates, insurance, maintenance) to the tenant, allowing for more predictable revenue…and thus why we prefer net leases.
  • Triple Net Lease: A net lease – plus…i.e., they have to return the property to you at the end of the lease in the same state you gave it to them. That means if the roof was new when the lease started – then at the end of the 15-year lease the roof needs to be as new. In return for this you will normally accept a lower rent.

Select the lease structure that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.


  1. Opex: Managing Operating Expenses

Operational expenses (Opex) significantly impact your property’s profitability:

  • Clearly Define Opex: Ensure your lease agreements clearly define what constitutes operating expenses.
  • Leveraging Opex: Structure lease agreements to allocate more expenses to tenants, providing stability in your cash flow.


  1. Make Good Clauses: Protecting Your Asset

Make Good clauses safeguard your property’s condition:

  • Comprehensive Understanding: Thoroughly review these clauses to minimise unexpected financial burdens at lease end.
  • Financial Planning: Include Make Good expenses in your financial planning to maintain your property’s value.


  1. Rent Review Mechanisms: Maximising Rental Income

Consider different rent review mechanisms:

  • CPI Review:Provides consistent, gradual rent increases based on the Consumer Price Index.
  • Market Rent Review:Allows for potential rental increases based on market conditions.

Evaluate the market and your investment goals to choose the most suitable mechanism.


  1. Timing of Market Rent Reviews: Strategic Separation

Avoid scheduling market rent reviews concurrently with lease renewals:

  • Optimal Timing: Separating these events grants you more negotiation leverage and financial predictability.


  1. Right to Enter Property for Viewings: Balancing Interests

Negotiate terms for property access during viewings:

  • Respect Tenant Operations: Collaborate with tenants to establish terms that respect their operations and privacy while showcasing your property’s potential.


  1. Rent-Free Period vs. Tenant Fit-Out Contribution: Optimising Tenant Incentives

In the world of commercial leasing, landlords have two primary incentives to attract and retain tenants: Rent-Free Periods and Tenant Fit-Out Contributions. Each option serves distinct purposes and comes with unique considerations. Here’s how to strike the right balance between these incentives to maximise the value for both tenants and landlords:


Rent-Free Period:

A Rent-Free Period is a duration during which tenants are not required to pay rent. This incentive offers several advantages:

  • Immediate Financial Relief:Tenants benefit from a period of reduced expenses, enabling them to allocate resources to other critical aspects of their business.
  • Long-Term Gains:While it temporarily reduces rental income, a Rent-Free Period can attract high-quality tenants, potentially leading to lease renewals and higher rents in the future.
  • Competitive Advantage:In competitive markets, a Rent-Free Period can set your property apart and make it more appealing to potential tenants.


Tenant Fit-Out Contribution:

A Tenant Fit-Out Contribution is a financial allowance provided by the landlord to assist tenants in customising and improving their leased space. This approach offers unique benefits:

  • Customised Spaces:Tenants can design their space to meet their specific needs, fostering a sense of ownership and alignment with their business operations.
  • Immediate Income:Unlike a Rent-Free Period, Tenant Fit-Out Contributions generate income from day one, as the tenant covers the customisation expenses themselves.
  • Higher Initial Rents:Offering a customised space may allow landlords to command higher initial rents, potentially compensating for the allowance provided.


Balancing Act:

To strike the right balance between these incentives, consider the following factors:

  • Market Conditions:Analyse the current market and your property’s competitiveness. In a tenant’s market, a Rent-Free Period may be more attractive, while in a landlord’s market, Tenant Fit-Out Contributions can set your property apart.
  • Tenant Profile:Assess the tenant’s financial stability, lease term, and potential for a long-term commitment. This can influence which incentive is more suitable.
  • Property Condition:Evaluate the state of the property and any required improvements. If the space needs significant renovations, Tenant Fit-Out Contributions may be less practical.
  • Investment Goals:Align your strategy with your investment objectives. Consider the long-term impact on your property’s value and income stream.

Achieving the right balance between Rent-Free Periods and Tenant Fit-Out Contributions requires a customised approach that considers your property’s unique characteristics, the local market, and your investment goals. By strategically employing these incentives, you can attract and retain quality tenants while optimising the overall value of your commercial property.


  1. Fit-Out Rental: Why Landlords Tend to Be Cautious

Fit-Out Rental, where the landlord covers the costs of a tenant’s fit-out and includes it in the rent, can be a double-edged sword for property owners. While it may seem like a way to attract and retain tenants, there are several reasons why landlords tend to be cautious about this approach:

  • Upfront Costs:Fit-Out Rental places the financial burden of the tenant’s improvements on the landlord. This can be a substantial upfront cost that may strain the landlord’s cash flow, especially if multiple tenants require significant fit-outs simultaneously.
  • Return on Investment (ROI):Landlords are in the business to generate returns on their investments. Fit-Out Rental may not always yield a favourable ROI, as the landlord might need to wait for an extended period to recoup the upfront expenses through increased rent.
  • Risk and Uncertainty:There’s inherent risk and uncertainty associated with tenant fit-outs. Tenants may change their mind or face financial difficulties during the fit-out process, leaving the landlord with unfinished work and potential disputes.
  • Quality Control:Landlords may be concerned about maintaining the quality and integrity of their property during the fit-out process. Poorly executed improvements can affect the property’s long-term value.
  • Market Trends:The market and tenant preferences evolve. If the fit-out becomes outdated or doesn’t align with future tenant demands, it can negatively impact the property’s marketability.
  • Competitive Markets:In highly competitive markets, offering Fit-Out Rental may become an expectation rather than a competitive advantage. This could lead to increased financial burdens for landlords without a commensurate increase in rent.
  • Lease Terms:The terms of the lease, including the length of the lease and the tenant’s financial stability, can influence the landlord’s willingness to offer Fit-Out Rental. Shorter leases may not provide enough time for the landlord to recover the fit-out costs.
  • Complexity and Administration:Managing fit-out projects can be complex and time-consuming for landlords, involving coordination with contractors, permits, inspections, and potential disputes over project completion.

While there are challenges and risks associated with Fit-Out Rental, some landlords may still consider it if it aligns with their investment goals, the financial stability of the tenant, and the overall market conditions. However, it’s essential for landlords to carefully assess the potential benefits and drawbacks before offering this arrangement to tenants.


  1. The Difference Between a “Good” Property Manager and a “Great” One

In the world of commercial property management, every decision counts, and the right partner can make all the difference. At Point, we are a trusted ally in the pursuit of maximising the value of property investments. Our commitment to excellence, informed decision-making, and strategic lease negotiations sets us apart.

Here’s why you should engage a “great” manager of your property investments:

  • Expertise That Counts:A team of experts boasts years of hands-on experience in commercial property management. Choose one who has navigated the challenges, negotiated countless leases, and achieved exceptional results for our clients.
  • Maximising ROI:A great manager understands that your investment goals are paramount. They specialise in crafting strategies that prioritise your long-term financial objectives, whether that means securing stable, long-term leases or optimising rental income through strategic lease negotiations.
  • Risk Mitigation:A great manager recognises the importance of safeguarding your investments. Like Point, they should have a prudent approach to security instruments, such as Personal Guarantees (PGs) and Bank Guarantees, to ensure that your interests are protected without unnecessarily straining tenant relationships.
  • Revenue Enhancement:A great manager has a comprehensive approach to rent collection and dealing with overdue rent, to ensure you receive consistent rental income, preserving the financial health of your property.
  • Expense Management:Your manager should excel in controlling operational expenses (Opex) to maximise your profitability, ensuring that your assets are positioned for success.
  • Legal Expertise:When it comes to complex issues like Make Good clauses, rent review mechanisms, and tenant fit-outs, a great manager leverages extensive legal expertise to safeguard your interests.
  • Market Insight:One that stays ahead of market trends, enabling them to choose the most favourable rent review mechanisms and timing, all while considering your investment objectives.
  • Customised Solutions:Whether it’s balancing rent-free periods and tenant fit-outs or evaluating fit-out rent, a great manager tailors solutions to align with your specific property and investment needs.


  1. Additional Resources

For further insights and information on property investment strategies, read this article on “How to Make 20% a Year Out of Property – A Step by Step Guide”, by our sister company Erskine Owen.


In conclusion, choosing Point as your property management partner means tapping into a wealth of experience, strategic acumen, and dedication to your success. We are your trusted ally, committed to unlocking the full potential of your commercial property investments. Let us navigate the complexities of property management on your behalf. Your success is our mission, and we are ready to make it happen.

If you need help maximising your commercial rental property or have any questions in regards to this article, don’t hesitate to contact us.